NMC TSC Auto Mech

Important upgrades to NMCR1 Tech Skills Center will continue thanks to a $400,000 grant that will provide long-overdue air-conditioning for 4 TSC shops (auto mech, welding, ag, & carpentry). This grant will be combined with a previously awarded grant (DRA) to replace ALL A-pod rolltop garage doors (circa 1971) with new, industrial, insulated panel doors and openers.

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has awarded several Missouri Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs including New Madrid County R-I Technical Skills Center ($400,000.00) with grant dollars to further support the important work that these programs do to ensure all Missouri students are prepared for success upon graduation and further contribute to developing Missouri’s workforce.

Missouri’s Area Career Center Opportunity (MACCO) Grant provides funding to enhance the state’s CTE capacity by providing more opportunities for CTE students while updating and modernizing career centers’ infrastructure and equipment.

MACCO is funded through the American Rescue Plan Act (APRA) and grants local education agencies (LEAs) up to $400,000 to:

  • Create new high-demand and emerging programs
  • Construct a new area career center building
  • Renovate or build an addition to an existing area career center
  • Update or expand current CTE programs
  • Improve infrastructure for safety and equipment needs
  • Upgrade equipment and instructional technology

The grant’s funds must be used to enhance or extend area career centers’ capacities to increase students’ knowledge and skills needed to gain employment in current or emerging fields, continuing their education, or re-training for new business and industry opportunities. The grant required LEAs to submit an application and match 25 percent of the awarded MACCO funds. 

NMCR1 appreciates this support as we continue to provide a viable technical skills program!