Homecoming t-shirts are available for preorder from today until September 7th. The cost is $15 each. All high school students and staff were emailed the form that must be turned in with the order and money.
over 2 years ago, Rebecca Treece
football homecoming t-shirt
Students off to a great start to the year! Two star additions to the NMCC staff this year making things fun for our student! Mrs. Powell reviewing lab safety with her physical science classes. Coach Woods teaching her volleyball unit! #itsagreatdaytobeaneagle
over 2 years ago, Justin Poley
volleyball in physical education class.
PE enjoying their competitive volleyball competition!
Mrs. Powell’s class reviewing lab safety.
Students in Mr. Tilmon's government classes today got a hands on experience with how different types of governments work. Decisions were made on which blocks to remove in true government fashion; dictators made all the decisions, democracies voted on move, and so on.
over 2 years ago, Rebecca Treece
Students building Jenga tower
Students building Jenga tower
Students building Jenga tower
Students building Jenga tower
Senior night will be next Friday September 9th against Dexter
over 2 years ago, Anthony Roberts
senior night
The Back to School Bash hosted by Student Council provided a variety of activities to end the first week of classes at NMCC.
over 2 years ago, Rebecca Treece
friends hanging out
Jenga game
volleyball game
corn hole game
The NMCC High School Back to School Bash is a blast!! Wish you was here to enjoy fun games, music, and some free food!!
over 2 years ago, Justin Poley
back to school bash
back to shool
back to school bash nmcc hs
High School Football game will be played Saturday August 27th start time 2pm. Address is 715 Washington St. Ste. Genevieve MO 63670. There will be no concessions at the game. Come out and support the Eagles Football team!
over 2 years ago, NMCR1
Parents and Guardians, We hope all parents and students have had a great start to the school year. Unfortunately, today, August 25, 2022, we ran low on available entree items at lunch. While fruits, vegetables, and other sides were still plentiful we were underprepared for the number of entrees needed due to human error. When we realized we were running low on food, we worked diligently to prepare extra. We made multiple announcements to the group of students at lunch to remain in the cafeteria. The students were told they would have plenty of extra time to eat. As always, we work hard to ensure all students are adequately fed. We apologize for any inconvenience to the students today and, as always, will continue working with our OPAA! Food providers to make sure that this does not happen in the future.
over 2 years ago, Justin Poley
Back to School Bash hosted by NMCC High School STUCO and Beta Club. We hope to see you out for some free food, games, and music. The back to school bash will take place on Friday 8/26/22 5:00PM to 7:00PM. Students will need to have their own ride to and from this event!!
over 2 years ago, Justin Poley
Students in Ms. Hahs' biomedical class learn about crime scene investigations with our mock crime scene today.
over 2 years ago, Rebecca Treece
Students collecting evidence during mock crime scene
Science of a healthy day of meals. How much should you eat in a day? Mrs. Kimball’s class working on designing meals that hit three goals based on your size and activity level!!
over 2 years ago, Justin Poley
students working on their caloric meal plans
student working in biology assignment
Senior parents: There will be a senior meeting on Thursday, August 25th, in the commons of the high school at 6 PM with Mrs. Dallas Allen. Following the senior meeting will be a project graduation meeting.
over 2 years ago, Justin Poley
What a wonderful beginning to a great school year! We just need to keep it going!! I got to see so many good things happen today at our beginning day orientation!! It's a great day to be an Eagle! #backtoschool
over 2 years ago, Justin Poley
Spirit day training the gym!
Spirit Stick introductions made by C. Cox
Counselor Orientation Meeting by Mrs. Haines and Mrs. Allen
NMCC❤️🦅 First day 2022-23!
over 2 years ago, Sam Duncan
NMCC students and Dr Duncan
First day 2022-23❤️🦅
over 2 years ago, Sam Duncan
NMCC HS 2022-23
over 2 years ago, Sam Duncan
NMCC principal
over 2 years ago, Sam Duncan
Had a great time with all the HS teachers during our faculty meeting icebreaker! It’s going to be a great year!! #eaglepride
over 2 years ago, Justin Poley
teachers taking part in icebreaker
teachers taking part in icebreaker
teachers taking part in icebreaker
Teacher taking part in icebreaker
Reminder: Tomorrow (Friday, August 19) NMCR1 School & District Offices will be CLOSED due to a planned power outage at NMCC for electrical panel upgrades (power will be completely off at NMCC High School, which means all R1 phones & internet will be down district-wide tomorrow). School starts Monday August 22,2022!
over 2 years ago, NMCR1
Get ready NMCC!!! The battle for the class spirit stick will happen on Monday. Which class will claim the title of Most School Spirit???
over 2 years ago, Rebecca Treece
spirit stick
eagle mural and spirit stick