Reminder Parents, Students, & All: Get Eagle Alerts Here! Download the NMCR1 App from Apple App Store/Google Play: Search “NMCR1”. Follow the prompts to choose notifications💚🦅
almost 2 years ago, Sam Duncan
Eagle Alert Notifications
Mrs. Sarah’s kindergarten class learned about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr in class today. We watched a video about Dr. King and then wrote about our dream for everyone! We also talked about what it means to be kind to one another.
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Long
kindergarten students
2nd Quarter Honor Roll with DISTINCTION for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades! Congratulations!
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Long
Students with Honor Roll with Distinction
Students with Honor Roll with Distinction
Students with Honor Roll with Distinction
Congratulations to 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade Honor Roll students for 2nd quarter!
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Long
Students with Honor roll
Students with Honor roll
Students with Honor roll
2nd Quarter Good Character/Good Choice Award!
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Long
Good Character/Good Choice Awards
2nd Quarter Outstanding Students!
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Long
Outstanding Students
2nd Quarter Perfect Attendance!
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Long
Perfect Attendance students
Mrs. Copeland's students have been studying how fossils can help us understand Earth's history. They got the opportunity to make their own fossils using modeling clay and Plaster of Paris!
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Long
Fossil made by student
Students with fossils
Reminder: Elementary tutoring will not resume until January 17th.
almost 2 years ago, NMCR1
The OPAA kitchen staff at Lilbourn Elementary prepared an amazing, bountiful Thanksgiving feast for the school employees on Wednesday November 16. Roasted Turkey, fried cabbage, mashed potatoes, broccoli-cheese casserole, cornbread, green beans, dressing, and cranberry sauce  filled many staff member’s plates during the lunch period. Lilbourn Elementary would like to thank the wonderful kitchen staff for all the time, effort, and consideration that they put into the lunches everyday and especially for the delicious Thanksgiving lunch.
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Long
Kitchen staff members
Ms. Fowler’s 5th Grade Class learned the processes that water goes through across the planet. The water cycle is very important on the planet for the movement of water from one place to another. The students created a poster that described the movement of water within the water cycle, labeled it and then identified the three states of water and how water transitions between them.
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Long
Students working on project
Students working on project
Water cycle posters
Phone systems have been restored to all NMCR1 buildings. Thank you for your patience.
almost 2 years ago, NMCR1
Miss Farr’s 1st grade class practiced subtracting from 10 by playing subtraction bowling! Students started with 10 pins & knocked them down by rolling a ball. Students had to record how many balls they knocked down & how many were left on their recording sheet by writing the number sentence that represents their pins.
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Long
Students bowling to make subtraction sentences.
Students bowling to make subtraction sentences.
Students bowling to make subtraction sentences
Students bowling to make subtraction sentences.
Thank you to our OPAA kitchen staff for the delicious breakfast this morning!
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Long
Lilbourn kitchen staff
Mrs. Brewer’s class began learning about multiplication today! They used M&Ms to create equal groups, and then they practiced writing multiplication sentences to represent their equal groups.
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Long
Students using M&Ms to create multiplication sentences.
Students using M&Ms to create multiplication sentences.
Students using M&Ms to create multiplication sentences
Students using M&Ms to create multiplication sentences.
NO tutoring on Monday, October 31st! Have a safe and Happy Halloween!!!🎃🎃
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Long
no tutoring flyer
Ms Christal’s class had a three students meet middle of the year goals for letter naming with 100% accuracy and one who completed a station activity sorting picture cards in a pocket chart by beginning sounds c, o, g, a, d by herself with 100% accuracy.   Way to go! 🦅
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Long
Kindergarten students with awards
Ms. Tanner's 3rd grade class completed the Witch's Brew Challenge today! The students had to try to mix up a potion that bubbled with the fewest ingredients possible while experimenting with different combinations of ingredients. The winning group mixed up a bubbling potion on the first try!
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Long
Students doing experiment
Students doing experiment.
Students doing experiment.
Students doing experiment.
Bayer Crop Science from Matthews came to visit with our students on Wednesday. They discussed Halloween safety and gave all students a treat bag. A big thanks to Mr. Trevor, Ms. Johanna, and Bayer Crop Science for visiting!
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Long
Bayer Crop Science visit to discuss Halloween safety.
Bayer Crop Science visit to discuss Halloween safety
Bayer Crop Science visit to discuss Halloween safety.
Bayer Crop Science visit to discuss Halloween safety.
Third grade took a field trip to the Cape Girardeau Nature Center. They heard a presentation about reptiles and amphibians. They even met a few live animals, including a rat snake, bullfrog, and snapping turtle. Then, they took a hike through the woods on one of the Nature Center’s trails. They wrapped it up with lunch and playing at Levi’s Adventure Trail.
almost 2 years ago, Ashley Long
Students playing on playground.
Students playing on playground.
Students playing on playground.
Students playing on playground