Senior Night for volleyball tonight, 10/10, between the JV and Varsity games.
Senior Night for football, marching band, and football cheer will be Friday, 10/13, beginning at 6:20p. All participating parents should be on the track by 6:10p.

Reminder: NMCR1 will not be in session Monday October 9th in observance of Columbus Day.

Look at the school spirit of senior, Brianna Carrisalez! Happy homecoming!

UPDATE: Due to weather concerns for Thursday October 5, 2023, NMCC High School Homecoming Parade will be postponed to Friday, October 6, 2023 @ 12:30pm. We will release more information as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

NMCC Homecoming Week
Thursday parade line up starts at 5:30pm. Parade will begin at 6:00pm.
Friday game day tailgating will begin at 5:00pm
Gate will open at 6:00pm.

NMCC Athletic Schedule

Spirit Week Championship
Classes will participate in the float competition, dress up days, AND the pep rally spirit stick contest! Each class will earn points for the championship based on these events. The winners will be celebrating their school spirit!
3rd place-Ice Cream Social
2nd Place-Outdoor Activity Day with Snacks
1st Place-Trip to Beggs or Bowling (Class choice!)
Students MUST participate in the activities in order to participate in the rewards. Students must also avoid discipline referrals.

Happy October! October is a busy month, save the dates!

MONDAY- Pirates are Snoozin’ and losing! (Pj day)
TUESDAY-Disney Vacation (wear a disney shirt or vacation clothes)
WEDNESDAY- color a VICTORY Seniors wear black, Juniors wear blue, Sophomores wear white, and Freshman gray.
THURSDAY- EAGLES are #1 (sports jerseys)
FRIDAY-You’ve got a fan in me! (Green, Gold, and White)

The October counselor newsletter...October is a busy month!

Our September students of the month are Karyssa Perkins and Lee Kenedy. Our September teacher of the month is Ms. Watkins. Congratulations!! 💚🦅💛

NMCC Athletic Schedule

NHS is doing a fundraiser for Hope Exchange. This Friday students, and teachers, can purchase strips of tape to tape the principal, Mr. Poley, to the wall. Tape can be purchased 3 strips for $5 or 10 strips for $10.

NMCC Athletic Schedule
September 18 - 22, 2023
Monday, September 18:
* The High School JV/Varsity Volleyball teams will play at South Pemiscot High School beginning at 5:00 pm.
* The Middle School Girl’s Basketball teams will play at Charleston Middle School beginning at 5:00 pm. The 8th grade team will play first, followed by 2 quarters for the 7th grade.
Tuesday, September 19:
* The High School JV/Varsity Volleyball teams will host Clarkton High School beginning at 5:00 pm. Varsity will play first, followed by 2 sets of JV.
* The Middle School Girl’s Basketball teams will host Delta Middle School beginning at 5:00 pm. The 8th grade team will play first, followed by 2 quarters for the 7th grade.
* The Middle School Football will host Caruthersville Middle School beginning at 5:00 pm.
Thursday, September 21:
* The High School JV/Varsity Volleyball teams will play at Holcomb High School beginning at 5:00 pm.
* The Middle School Girl’s Basketball team (8th grade) will play at Scott County Central at 6:00pm.
Friday, September 22:
* The High School Football team will host Caruthersville High School beginning at 7:00 pm.

Congrats, once again, to our 2023-2024 Beta inductees, as well as our newly installed officers! Thank you to all the family and friends who came to celebrate and show their support—it’s going to be a great year for Beta at NMCC!

Thank you to Three Rivers Community College for coming to speak with our juniors and seniors today!

NHS sponsors Hat Day

Reminder: Parent-teacher conferences this week on Tuesday (9/19/2023) and Thursday (9/21/23) from 3 PM - 6 PM.

Congratulations to Emani Summers on placing third in the academic photography contest at the regional J-Day conference. Emani was part of the 2023 yearbook staff.

Please join us in congratulating this year's Beta Club inductees! Inductees and Parents are welcome to join us at the induction ceremony scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, September 14th, at 5:00 PM in the NMCC commons. We hope to see you there!