💚🦅Shoutout to Gloria Houston, Katherine Stanley, SkillsUSA students, and a team of NMCC faculty and staff for another amazing Eagle Christmas, which helps community members provide Christmas gifts for more than 150 kids throughout NmcEagleNation every year 💚🦅
about 2 years ago, Sam Duncan
2022 Eagle Christmas at NMCC
NMCR1 Tech Skills: $400,000 Grant! Important upgrades to NMCR1 Tech Skills Center will continue thanks to a $400,000 grant that will provide long-overdue air-conditioning for 4 TSC shops (auto mech, welding, ag, & carpentry). This grant will be combined with a previously awarded grant (DRA) to replace ALL A-pod rolltop garage doors (circa 1971) with new, industrial, insulated panel doors and openers. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has awarded several Missouri Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs including New Madrid County R-I Technical Skills Center ($400,000.00) with grant dollars to further support the important work that these programs do to ensure all Missouri students are prepared for success upon graduation and further contribute to developing Missouri’s workforce. Missouri’s Area Career Center Opportunity (MACCO) Grant provides funding to enhance the state’s CTE capacity by providing more opportunities for CTE students while updating and modernizing career centers’ infrastructure and equipment. MACCO is funded through the American Rescue Plan Act (APRA) and grants local education agencies (LEAs) up to $400,000 to: Create new high-demand and emerging programs Construct a new area career center building Renovate or build an addition to an existing area career center Update or expand current CTE programs Improve infrastructure for safety and equipment needs Upgrade equipment and instructional technology The grant’s funds must be used to enhance or extend area career centers’ capacities to increase students’ knowledge and skills needed to gain employment in current or emerging fields, continuing their education, or re-training for new business and industry opportunities. The grant required LEAs to submit an application and match 25 percent of the awarded MACCO funds. NMCR1 appreciates this support as we continue to provide a viable technical skills program!
about 2 years ago, Sam Duncan
NMCR1 Technical Skills Center-Auto Mech
Phone systems have been restored to all NMCR1 buildings. Thank you for your patience.
over 2 years ago, NMCR1
We are currently experiencing issues with our phone carrier which has caused phone lines to be down throughout the district. Staff is currently working to resolve the issue and will provide an update as soon as the issue has been resolved
over 2 years ago, NMCR1
Because we have tremendous school spirit, the Eagle has officially landed in the NMCC gymnasium foyer💚🦅 #NmcEagleNation
over 2 years ago, Sam Duncan
NMCC gym foyer
Reminder: NO SCHOOL for students on Friday, October 7th (teacher work day) or Monday, October 10th (Columbus Day) Have a great weekend and we will see everyone on Tuesday October 11th
over 2 years ago, NMCR1
No School Clipart
Friday, October 7 NMCR1 Pk-12th grade faculty will begin a complete curriculum review (for all subjects and each grade level) to guarantee strong academic outcomes for all students💚🦅 No school: Friday, October 7 and Monday, October 10.
over 2 years ago, Sam Duncan
no school Oct 7 and 10
NMCR1 CMS (Middle School) has added a new weight training room that rivals the NMCC facility! Both female and male middle school student-athletes are now training earlier than before in age-appropriate conditioning so they can get strong and feel more confident 💚🦅
over 2 years ago, Sam Duncan
CMS weight training room
All NMCC players and cheerleaders are safe and on the interstate headed home.
over 2 years ago, Sam Duncan
💚🦅Congratulations to everyone who had a hand in these new 2022 banners! Let’s work hard and get some more NMCC!
over 2 years ago, Sam Duncan
NMCC banners
💚🦅CMS 7th Grade Basketball wins the home-opener over Charleston 23-13, capped off by this exciting basket at the buzzer by Lola Atchley!
over 2 years ago, Sam Duncan
CMS girls basketball
City of New Madrid has restored power to NMCC and CMS. NME will be restored shortly. Phones and internet should be restored within the next 10 minutes.
over 2 years ago, NMCR1
Power is currently out in the city of New Madrid; therefore power is also out at NMCC, CMS, NME. Phones and internet are out district wide. We are waiting on word from the city on whenu power will be restored. We will provide updates as soon as possible. All students are safe.
over 2 years ago, NMCR1
NMCC Cheer Team has been working all summer and is in competition form as NMCC football leads 50-0 in its season opener vs East Prairie in front of a packed house💚🦅
over 2 years ago, Sam Duncan
NMCC Cheer Team
❤️🦅We have the best school counselors, and they were busy the 1st week😊
over 2 years ago, Sam Duncan
School Counselor
❤️🦅 In case you missed it… NMCC has a NEW state of the tech greenhouse!!!
over 2 years ago, Sam Duncan
NMCC new greenhouse
❤️🦅NMCC Back to School Bash 2022
over 2 years ago, Sam Duncan
NMCC students bash 2022
NMCC TSC Pre-Apprentice Electricians (2nd & 1st year students pictured) are already on the job in their 1st week under the watchful eye of Mr. Clark❤️🦅
over 2 years ago, Sam Duncan
NMCC TSC Electrician pre-Apprentices
over 2 years ago, Sam Duncan
nmcr1 elementary students