Classes Resume Monday August 21, 2023!!! Elementary Open house is Thursday August 17th from 3-6pm. For all back to school information check out:
over 1 year ago, NMCR1
back to school
Congratulations on your retirement Sharon King! Your dedication to NMCC has been tremendous. Thank You! Enjoy your retirement, we will miss you!
over 1 year ago, Matt Hartman
Anthony Young and Sharon King discuss Sharon's accomplishments during the retirement ceremony.
Parents, If you have a student who will be entering 8th or 12th grade for the 2023-2024 school year they will need the following immunizations. 8th graders will need a Tdap and MCV and 12th graders will need the MCV. You can contact your local Health Department for more information.
over 1 year ago, NMCR1
heart with stetoscope
Reminder: Online Registration is now open! Please visit for more information!
over 1 year ago, NMCR1
reminder with books
Online Registration is now open for the 2023-2024 school year. Visit the parent portal to complete!
over 1 year ago, NMCR1
online registration directions
Activations instructions for NMCR1's new Student Information System went out by email today. Please check your email and create your account! If you did not receive an email please email: with your name, and students names.
over 1 year ago, NMCR1
Infinite Campus Parent Portal Login
NMCR1 Prop Safe & Secure Schools projects (2020) will be 100% as promised upon the completion of the CMS FEMA grant funded multi-use building. Designed to withstand hurricane-force winds, strong earthquakes, and extended power outages; this building securely opens into the CMS cafeteria. A premium rubberized floor will allow a variety of activities: archery, baseball/softball batting practice (with net cages), volleyball, basketball, and CMS PE... An open house will be publicized around the start of school.💚🦅 We appreciate community support in making this building possible.
over 1 year ago, Sam Duncan
CMS Fema gym
Cmd Fema gym
CMS Fema gym
CMS Fema gym
NMCC Technical Skills has several new grant-funded upgrades for 2023-24: Air Conditioning in Welding, Auto-Mech, Agriculture, and Building Trades SHOPS; welding ventilation and equipment upgrades, NEW INSULATED GARAGE DOORS all the way around! NMCC TSC rocks!💚🦅
over 1 year ago, Sam Duncan
New Tech Skills garage doors
New TSC Garage Doors inside
Welding shop upgrades
New AC Units
A-pod Hallway AC Vents
NMCC/CMS track was in disrepair. The current renovation takes it from 6 lanes to 8 lanes to allow us to host bigger meets including Districts! Long jump and high jump pits are being upgraded and expanded. Pole vault is moved to jump pit area. Javelin is added between parking and county road. Stay tuned! It's gonna be really nice! 💚🦅
over 1 year ago, Sam Duncan
long jump pits
track being milled
high jump pad
javelin area
First day of school for the 23-24 school year will be Monday August 21, 2023. NMCR1 is changing from Tyler SiS student information to Infinite Campus for the 23-24 school year. Online registration will not be open until August 1st. Make sure to watch your email for information on how to access the new parent portal. Supply lists, calendar, open house dates and other back to school information can be found on the NMCR1 app or on the website at
over 1 year ago, NMCR1
back to school information with school supplies
NMCR1 Technical Skills brought home top honors from Nationals in Atlanta Georgia this summer! SkillsUSA announced its top three 1st place chapters in each framework component for the 2023 Models of Excellence (MOE) program during the Awards Session at the National Leadership & Skills Conference (NLSC) in Atlanta on Friday, June 23. The winners were selected from a talented field of 24 finalists from around the nation, each representing the application of the SkillsUSA Framework in the Personal, Workplace and Technical skills demanded by industry. Winners for 2023 First Place Outstanding Chapter are Chapter Representatives, Gracie McMackin and Dawson Boggs, from New Madrid County R-1 Technical Skills Center of Missouri (Personal Skills). Models of Excellence (MOE) represents the top tier of the SkillsUSA Chapter Excellence Program (CEP). This program, in its ninth year, recognizes achievement as it relates to the successful integration of the Framework in a chapter’s SkillsUSA Program of Work, including community service and leadership activities. Makayla Birdwell, Chloe Polk, and Avery Towery competed in Community Service and brought home the Silver Medal for second place. Iliana Zuniga competed in Screen Printing and placed fifth and has set a goal to make it on stage and medal next year. The girls are all juniors and ready to go back and bring home first place next year. Dawson Boggs, a senior, said this was his best year of high school thanks to the opportunities through CTE and SkillsUSA. Each student verbalized how grateful they were for this opportunity and how SkillsUSA has impacted their life. Thank you to our administrators, teachers, and school board for the opportunity to take our students to nationals and represent our school district. They represented us well!
over 1 year ago, Sam Duncan
NMCR1 Technical Skills Wins at Nationals
NMCR1 Technical Skills Wins at Nationals
NMCR1 Technical Skills Wins at Nationals
Tomorrow's (June 15th) softball game at Portageville has been canceled.
over 1 year ago, Matt Hartman
Thursdays softball game at South Pemiscot has been canceled. No softball tomorrow.
over 1 year ago, Matt Hartman
Tomorrow's Softball Game at Senath will be played at 10 am, instead of 4 pm. The bus will leave Central North Lobby at 8 am.
over 1 year ago, Matt Hartman
Go Eagles!
Parents, If you have a student who will be entering 8th or 12th grade for the 2023-2024 school year they will need the following immunizations. 8th graders will need a Tdap and MCV and 12th graders will need the MCV. You can contact your local Health Department for more information.
almost 2 years ago, NMCR1
hands holding a heart
Dear NMCR1 Patron: It’s been a great year at New Madrid County Schools! Every year at this time we give community members the opportunity to provide your thoughts on how we are doing. We need your best and most accurate responses so your school can continue to improve. Please click on the link below and complete your survey. Thank you Dr. Sam Duncan
almost 2 years ago, NMCR1
Mrs. Paige Kimball demonstrates a unique review method for her Biology class.
almost 2 years ago, Matt Hartman
Paige Kimball Biology
Todays (4/6) softball game (which was originally scheduled to be played at Clarkton High School) will be played at Davis St. Field at 4:30 pm.
almost 2 years ago, Matt Hartman
Due to the severe weather threat that will be in our area this afternoon and the timing from the National Weather Service. NMCR-1 Schools will dismiss at 1:30 pm. We want to assure that our students and staff are home safe and to allow busses time to return to campus. There will be no afterschool activities, practices or tutoring.
almost 2 years ago, NMCR1
early dismissal
Waylon Harris was the top medalist and the NMCC Golf team takes 1st place in today's match vs. Doniphan.
almost 2 years ago, Matt Hartman
Waylon Harris